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The Rise of the DIY Hotel Sales Process

An Adventure Where Marketing Leads the Way

Did you know that nearly 80% of prospects will not even talk to a sales rep until they’ve done their research?

In the past, hotel sales and marketing teams could afford to work in silos, each doing their part with minimal collaboration. 

Today’s buyer is different—more informed, more discerning, and often making decisions before ever speaking to your sales team. This shift means that the old way of doing things isn’t just outdated; it’s a missed opportunity.

Research shows that 73% of people point to customer experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions.  

Additionally,  77% of a customer’s journey is completed before they even reach out to a salesperson, alignment between sales and marketing isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential for survival.

If your hotel is still running sales and marketing on opposite ends of the building, you might be missing out on significant revenue opportunities. 

On the InnSync Show this month, Cory Falter recently chatted with Conor DeLaney of Impact Brand about why it’s time to align these forces and how doing so can transform your bottom line.

B2B Sales and Marketing Alignment

The Problem: Disconnected Teams, Lost Revenue

Too many hotels are stuck in the past, where sales and marketing teams barely interact, let alone collaborate. This disconnection leads to mixed messages, missed opportunities, and, ultimately, lost revenue. 

As Connor says, “If sales and marketing are not blending and working together, they’re usually causing friction, and they’re likely costing you business.”

The buyer’s journey has shifted dramatically.  Potential clients are doing most of their research before they ever speak to a salesperson. This means that by the time they reach out, they’re often ready to make a decision. 

If your marketing and sales teams aren’t aligned, you’re creating friction and missing the chance to capitalize on that readiness.

The Hidden Costs of Friction

When marketing and sales don’t work together, the friction that results is more than just an inconvenience—it’s a revenue killer.

Imagine this: a potential client visits your hotel’s website looking for event space. They’re almost ready to book, but your site is thin on details, forcing them to call for more information. Instead of a smooth, seamless experience, they’re met with resistance—a tedious process of back-and-forths that could have been avoided.

Connor nails it when he says, “When you create that friction, you’re now losing opportunities because you weren’t willing to give them the information that very likely a competitor is willing to give them.” 

That competitor? They might just steal your business, offering the transparency and ease your client was looking for.

This isn’t just about losing one client—it’s about the ripple effect. 

Frustrated clients don’t just walk away quietly. They talk. And thanks to “dark social” (those untraceable conversations in DMs, text messages, and casual chats), your hotel’s reputation can take a hit without you even knowing. 

Suddenly, you’re not just losing one client—you’re losing many, all because of a disjointed experience.

The Solution: Create a Seamless Experience

So, how do you turn this friction into fortune? It starts with alignment.

Integrate Marketing and Sales Efforts

Marketing should be your sales team’s best friend, not a distant cousin. By working together, these teams can ensure that the messaging is consistent and that potential clients are guided smoothly from interest to booking. 

As Connor highlights, “Your marketing team should be working with your sales team on how to create the materials, the resources, the educational content they need to make a quick and efficient buying decision.”

RELATED: The Future of Hotel Marketing for Group Sales: Unlocking the Power of CRMs

Eliminate Barriers to Information

Transparency is key. Don’t hide essential details behind endless forms or phone calls.

Offer comprehensive information upfront—whether it’s pricing, event space layouts, or availability. The less time a client has to spend searching for information, the more likely they are to choose your hotel. 

“The more we can put that educational content out there, the quicker it is for me to go and maybe fill out a form…and get started right away,” Connor advises.

Harness the Power of Social Proof

Leverage testimonials and case studies not just on the leisure side of your hotel, but for meetings and events as well. 

“The amount of sale and trust to put on an event is way higher than a little three-day vacation,” says Cory. 

Video testimonials that walk through the customer journey from start to finish can be incredibly persuasive, showing potential clients exactly what they can expect.

Streamline the Conversion Process

Once a client is ready to book, make it easy. 

Ensure that your website and sales team are ready to move at the client’s pace. As Connor notes, “Time kills all deals in sales.” A streamlined process keeps the momentum going and reduces the risk of losing the client to a competitor.

Build the Dream Team

The days of sales and marketing operating in silos are over. 

By aligning these two critical functions, your hotel can not only reduce friction but also unlock new revenue opportunities. It’s about creating a seamless, transparent experience for your clients—one that turns potential frustration into loyalty and long-term success.

Remember, the real magic happens when sales and marketing work together as a unified force. It’s time to break down those barriers and start reaping the rewards.

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