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Want to Hit Your Sales Target? Here's Why You Should Partner with a Sharpspring Agency

Is your sales team still in "spray and pray" mode?

Spray-and-pray marketing is the practice of sending marketing communications to as many individuals as possible (spray), with the hope that it will entice some of them to buy products or show interest in services (pray) - without using measures like conversion tracking to assess campaign success and ROI.

Not only does this method of prospecting burn out your team, but it's also ineffective and costly.

Modern sales teams are finding success through a thoughtful, personalized approach; by delivering the right message at the right time. This approach is how the best sales teams achieve their quotas, build relationships, and crush their bottom lines.

It's all about using the right tools and partnering with the right agency.

If you're looking to modernize your sales team's approach, you need to partner with a Sharpspring agency.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/6"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

What is Sharpspring?

SharpSpring is an affordable, yet powerful all-in-one sales and marketing platform that helps businesses generate leads, improve conversions to sales, and drive higher returns on marketing investment.

With Sharpspring, there is a seamless integration of marketing automation, email, CRM, sales engagement, social media, and digital advertising all work together to optimize the funnel and drive more revenue.

We believe in Sharpspring’s mission of empowering businesses to succeed.

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate marketing processes, including but not limited to email marketing, social media campaigns, lead generation, and customer segmentation.

It allows sales and marketing teams to work together more efficiently by automating repetitive tasks, like sending out mass emails or creating targeted lists of leads.

Sharpspring Account Manager Scott Earnest, says, "It's multiple tools in your tool belt. It automates your sales process, from interactions with customers to the entire sales process."

He goes on to say, "you're constantly dripping content to your customers and your prospects to let them know bout the services that you have to offer and how you can help them out going forward."

In other words, delivering the right message at the right time automatically.

How Does Marketing Automation Work?

Marketing automation platforms like Sharpspring are built on a foundation of customer data.

This data is collected through various means, including website activity tracking, forms and surveys, email interactions, and CRM integration.

Once this data is collected, it's stored in a central location (the marketing automation platform) where it can be segmented and used to create targeted lists of leads.

From there, sales teams can use the marketing automation platform to automate repetitive tasks, like sending out mass emails or creating targeted lists of leads.

The result is a more efficient sales process and higher conversion rates.

Why Partner with a Sharpspring Agency?

When you partner with a Sharpspring agency, you're getting more than just a marketing automation platform.

You're getting a team of experts who know how to use the Sharpspring platform to its fullest potential.

The right Sharpspring agency will work with you to create a personalized sales and marketing strategy that will help you achieve your business goals, while also providing ongoing support and training to ensure that you're getting the most out of the Sharpspring platform.

When you partner with a Sharpspring agency, you're investing in your business's future.

What to Look for in a Sharpspring Agency

Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

Not all Sharpspring agencies are created equal.

When you're looking for a Sharpspring agency to partner with, you should look for an agency that:

- Has a proven track record of success

- Offers a comprehensive suite of services

- Provides ongoing support and training

- Is invested in your business's success

What is Included in the Sharpspring Marketing Suite?

Sharpspring is a fully-featured marketing automation platform that includes everything you need to generate leads, improve conversions, and drive higher returns on your marketing investment.

Marketing Automation and CRM

Marketing Automation

  • Email marketing
  • Automation & Workflows
  • Forms
  • Landing Pages
  • Social listening & Engagement
  • Retargeting Ads
  • Blogs
  • Chatbots

Sales Automation & CRM

  • Customizable CRM
  • Lead Scoring
  • Pipeline Management
  • Sales Optimizer
  • Smart Mail
  • Meetings
  • Video Calls

Tracking & Analytics

  • Life-of-the-Lead
  • Custom Reports
  • Cloud Dashboards
  • Campaign Tracking
  • Asset Tracking
  • Multitouch Attribution
  • Monthly Usage Report

All at a fraction of the cost of other sales and marketing platforms!

What to Expect from a Sharpspring Platinum Agency

What should you expect from a Sharpspring Platinum Agency? In addition to more leads and higher-value relationships, you can also expect to fuel your business growth.

Pricing - Plans Designed to Scale

Here at Lure Agency, we offer these flexible options:

Software license Only

A software license gives you full access to the SharpSpring Sales & Marketing platform. Signing up through an agency offers sales and marketing teams more perks than signing up directly.

Self-Managed Plan

The self-managed plan is for robust in-house sales & marketing teams. You'll get full access to the platform plus support from us that includes: onboarding, training, strategy sessions, and ongoing support.

Co-op Managed Plan

The Co-op Managed Plan is for small sales & marketing teams with limited resources, we will support you with everything from the Self-Managed plan plus creative direction and content creation.

Fully Managed Plan

A Fully-Managed plan is for businesses with sales, but no marketing support. You can expect everything from the Co-op Managed plan plus creative execution, email deployment, funnel optimization, and keyword research. You'll be armed with all the resources your team needs to fuel your growth.

What Results Can I Expect from Working with a Sharpspring Agency?

When you partner with a Sharpspring agency like Lure, you can expect to see results like:

- More leads

- Higher-value relationships

- Increased sales

- Improved conversions

- Higher returns on your marketing investment

Are you looking for a full-service marketing agency?

If you're looking for a full-service marketing agency that can help you generate more leads and drive higher returns on your marketing investment, then you need to partner with a Sharpspring agency.

At Lure Agency, we offer a comprehensive suite of services that includes everything from lead generation to conversion optimization. We also provide ongoing support and training to ensure that you're getting the most out of your Sharpspring investment!

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